The Energy-Security Nexus: Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought instability, violence, and human tragedy on a massive scale, with effects rippling across the continent and beyond. The crisis has also shaken up the global energy sector. One-fourth of Europe’s energy comes from natural gas, nearly 45 percent of which is imported from Russia.

RMI is committed to analyzing the consequences for the energy transition and the climate, so that future energy choices don’t jeopardize another nation’s sovereignty, security, and stability. Below, find RMI’s latest perspectives on this fast-changing crisis.


Brittle Power

Energy-linked security concerns sit at the foundation of RMI’s mission to transition away from fossil fuels. In 1983, a decade after the Arab oil embargo triggered the first global energy shock, Amory Lovins co-authored a landmark analysis of the physical and economic vulnerabilities of America’s energy systems. Today, Lovins’ Brittle Power: Energy Strategy for National Security, continues to inform our work, and underscores the enduring urgency to shift Europe — and the rest of the world — to a more efficient, resilient, and secure energy system based on renewable sources.

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Winning the Oil Endgame

Published in 2004, Winning the Oil Endgame: Innovations for Profits, Jobs, and Security extends the implications laid out in Brittle Power. In an independent, peer-reviewed synthesis, Lovins maps out a path to get the United States completely, attractively, and profitably off oil. The approach integrates four technological ways to displace oil: (1) using oil twice as efficiently; then substituting (2) biofuels; (3) saved natural gas; and, (4) optionally, hydrogen. Then, as now, Lovins makes a case that this transition can be done profitably, led by business.

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